Wheatgrass and Its Health Benefits
We consume wheat in almost every meal of our day. Be it in the form of breads, momo’s, pizzas or rotis. Wheatgrass is a 10 to 14 days grown grass that contains all the essential nutrients and vitamins for our body. It looks like thin blades of grass and has vibrant green colour. It is so vibrant due to the presence high
amounts of chlorophyll, that it is even called green blood. Wheatgrass is listed amongst the superfood category by many people for its mind blowing benefits it offer. Let’s see how many of them do you know!
Antioxidants play a vital role in fighting with the free radicals in our body that can damage our cells. Wheatgrass is a good source of antioxidants. It contains numerous vitamins and is particularly high in magnesium content, Vit C, A and E, calcium, iron and amino acids. These help us protect against heart diseases,
cancer and arthritis.
People suffering from chronic digestive ailments are usually suggested to add wheatgrass in their routine diet. Magnesium content plays crucial role in strengthening the enzymes present in stomach and intestines. Not only does it provides strength is also keeps your digestive system hydrated.
Not taking proper care dust and pollution settles down on the outer most layer of our skin. Wheatgrass helps body get clean of harmful elements and aids in repair of damaged tissues. One can also apply a thin paste on their face for better results.
Are periods not kind to you too? Period cramps are a result of nutrient deficiency. Wheatgrass has got abundant nutrition to come to rescue. A woman’s body undergo a good number of changes during her lifetime. This amplifies the risk of hormonal disbalance. These might lead to excessive weight gain and problems in
shedding weight. Wheatgrass is a great supplement to regulate these changes and cop with them
Are you worried about your hair greying early. Wheatgrass is one of the best ways to delay it. In fact wheatgrass possess various other anti-aging properties too. It take care of sagging skin, maintain its elasticity and help you look young. Wheat grass powder is an excellent supplement to add in your diet. Wheat grass
is also gluten free as it is harvested within a period of 10 days and hence it is yet to mature. We highly recommend Grainic Wheatgrass herbal powder which completely organic and does not compromise on quality.